Thursday 7 January 2010

Facts About Surfing

If you are expert in surfing, you can enjoy it for two-three hours at a stretch. It takes long time to learn surfing, but an expert surf instructor can help you develop really cool surfing skills. If you wish to develop the skills in surfing, then you can take help of some helpful resources for surfing. These resources may provide basic information about this adventurous sport.

Surfboard is the major gear to play this sport. Wax polishing on the board helps you keep a hold on your board and prevents from slipping around too much. A wax comb is used to clean up the wax exterior while building up the wax on the board. Fins used during surfing are of two forms such as detachable or fixed. The advantage of using fins is that they never get broken off while surfing. Nose protector and Board bags are the two important equipments used during surfing.

It is better to learn the skills of surfing from a well-trained instructor than to go into the water and try to learn on your own. The instructor also informs you about various facts about the ocean including risks. You will be come to know about the basic rules of surfing which should be followed by a surfer.

When you go through the helpful resources for surfing, you will come across the types of surfing and its techniques and rules. The most important rule is that do not surf on your own and without any help. Avoid surfing directly after eating or drinking alcohol. As far as possible, do not try to surf near or close in front of rocks. Avoid throwing away your board when you are paddling through waves. It may be dangerous if there is someone behind you.

There are numerous helpful resources for surfing including books, magazines, organizations and websites. There are numerous famous books such as 'Good Things Love Water', 'The Art of Surfing: A Training Manual for the Developing and Competitive Surfer', 'Fit to Surf: The Surfer's Guide to Strength and Conditioning', 'Learn to Surf' and 'Caught Inside: A Surfer's Year on the California Coast'. Some of the popular surfing magazines that provide detail information about surfing with pictures include Surfing, SG, Surf Transworld and Surfer. You can also get lot of information about surfing various websites.

Different surfing schools are also among the helpful resources for surfing. Many surf schools in different areas offer various courses on surfing. The benefit of learning with a surf school is that they offer a taste of surfing without spending any money for buying your own wetsuit and surfboard. Therefore, no one should think about going surfing for the first occasion without taking any lessons. Many beginners can learn standing up and surfing with the help of a single day course.

Radoslaw Czajkowski is a surfing expert who writes for an excellent informational website on facts about surfing. You are welcome to visit his website for more information on basic facts about surfing.

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Wednesday 6 January 2010

The Wonderful World of Surfing

The sport of Surfing has been around since the 1700's. It is rumored to have started in Tahiti. Surfing was a big part of the Polynesian culture. Even the tribal chiefs participated and the best surfing spots were reserved for people of noble status within their community.

Hawaii also revered surfing and it was a big part of their rituals too. It was used during ceremonies asking the Gods for protection from the fierce oceans. Surfing became such a part of their lives that when the oceans were calm they would ask the Gods for rougher seas and waves so they could surf again.

Surfing came to the United States in 1907 to Huntington Beach California. This beach is still known as one of the best surfing spots on the continental United States. It did not reach the Eastern shore until about 1912 in the Virginia Beach area.

Surfing had a small following until the 1960's when all the surfing movies came out with Frankie Avalon. This made surfing cool again and people began to take more interest once again in the sport. Over the years and history of the sport interest seems to come and go but in coastal towns all over the world it is like a cult following.

Today surfing is not only popular in the Hawaiian Islands and Coastal California but you can find diehard surfing enthusiasts in Costa Rica and Australia too. There are magazines and stores dedicated to the sport of surfing as well. Most coastal hotels and resorts in surfing areas can also arrange surfing lessons for you, your friends, and your family.

Surfing can be dangerous so you need to know how to ride a surf board and what to do if you fall off. Waves can be fierce and can push you further out to sea or into rocks or sand. Knowing how to remain safe is essential when you are surfing.

George Pettit is a journalist and researcher. He is often writing about mountains, weather, sea and surfing magazine.

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Surfing Lessons -- Learn to Ride the Waves

Want to learn to surf but don’t know where to start? Surfing lessons are all about taking your surfing to the next level regardless of how much experience -- or lack thereof -- you may have. It’s all about conquering fear, learning water safety, expanding your ocean and wave knowledge, and returning to the true essence of surfing -- fun and relaxation!

You’re never too old to learn to surf. People of all ages are drawn to the majesty of our beautiful oceans. If you feel the call of the sun and surf pumping through your veins, it’s time to find an instructor!

Learning to Surf -- Finding an Instructor

The internet is a great place to find instructors and research their backgrounds and qualifications. Regardless of your reason for seeking out a surfing instructor there are a few things that you should consider mandatory: A long history of surfing (preferably professionally to some extent), up-to-date first aid certification, proven (preferably certified) surf rescue experience, and a thorough knowledge of wave, weather and wind conditions (which should be commensurate with the instructor’s experience, i.e. The more time that they’ve been spent in the water, the greater their understanding of the ocean and weather conditions).

There are many excellent surfing instructors throughout the world. Many have been involved in competitive surfing of some description or have at least spent enough time in the water to have a sound knowledge of the demands of the sport.

If you’re on holidays at the seaside and just want to experience surfing as a holiday activity then you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding a local surfer or local surf school that can give you a quick rundown of the basics and give you a quick ride or two on a board. In some of the more renowned surfing spots you’ll likely even be able to find a pro surfer to guide you to your first wave.

If you’re a little more serious about your surfing, or want the complete surfing experience in the hands of a true professional, there are many professional/ex-professional surfers who can guide your development as a surfer and help you to get the most out of your surfing experience.

Surfing greats such as Nancy Emerson, Corky Carroll and Frieda Zamba offer surfing lessons at some of the world’s most beautiful beaches. Whether you’re a beginner and very wet behind the ears, or a professional surfer in your own right, these experienced professionals can help you hone your skills and develop your style, giving you more confidence in the water and in your ability to navigate waves and the surf zone.

Depending on how serious you are about the sport, you’ll be able to choose from surfing lessons of a couple of hours at a time to surfing clinics and camps for more intensive training. You can learn to stand on a board and catch a small wave in a day, or work on form, style and ocean awareness with surfing legends over the space of several days to a week or more.

Going It Alone?

You may be fired up and ready to surf, but don’t jump the gun. It might be tempting -- especially in a beachside location or if you have friends that surf -- to just grab a surfboard and go for it.

This is a bad idea for two reasons: One, it’s much easier to learn the right way to do things initially than to rectify bad habits and, two, you don’t want to spend your hard earned money on surfing gear (and, in particular, on a surfboard) before you’ve had some training and experience, because you won’t know what board best suits your style of surfing.

Many surf schools will provide equipment for you to learn with. If you come across one that doesn’t then it’s usually possible to hire the necessary equipment from a surf shop. Have a couple of lessons first, maybe try a few different surfboards of various shapes and sizes (on hire from the surf shops), and then think a little more about what board is best for you. Your instructor should also be happy to give you some advice about where to start.

Another good reason to not go it alone initially is because surfing, like any sport, can be dangerous for the uninitiated. The awesome power of the ocean doesn’t discriminate according to experience and even small breaks can have dangerous rips and currents. It’s far safer at all times to only swim and surf in the company of fellow beach goers. That warning stands for both new and experienced surfers -- an unknown break is always potentially dangerous.

Any surf instructor worth their salt will make sure that you only surf in conditions that are safe for your level of experience. Aside from the possibility that a serious spill might put you off surfing for good, big water surfing without the necessary experience is irresponsible at best, suicidal at worst -- never surf in conditions you aren’t ready for, and only experiment under the watchful eye of a professional surfer or an experienced buddy!

Most surfers will tell you that surfing is more than just a sport; it’s an existential experience, the ultimate rush, and it can be addictive. So get yourself an instructor, suit up, grab a board and hit the beach!


Written by Sara Schell.

Experience the exhilaration of riding the most awesome power on Earth - contact Nancy Emerson and book your surfing lesson, clinic, or course in beautiful Hawai’i!

Sara Schell is a freelance writer and operates SpellCast Advertising, based in Australia. Sara specialises in search engine-optimised articles and text for websites. Services available: copywriting, ghostwriting, creative writing, SEO copywriting.

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